What is your Chinese name?

霍达 Huo Da

What does your name mean?

霍达 (Huo Da) has the same prononcitaion of 豁达, means open-minded, optimistic, free and easy-going.

What is your English name? (Please write in pinyin if you don’t have one)


Who gave you your English name?


Is there a pronunciation/meaning connection between your English name and Chinese name?

Both started with the letter “H”.

Have you ever abandoned your English name? What was the reason?

Yes, it was too much trouble to explain to the Americans why I had two names, so I ended up using pinyin again.

Does your name ever give you any funny, embarrassing, or uncomfortable experiences?

Americans can’t pronounce “Huo”, it’s spelled “Hou” on my state ID.

Do you prefer your Chinese name or your English name? Which name better represents your own identity?

100% my Chinese name.