What is your Chinese name?

姚 慕然 Yao Mou In (Yao Muran)

What does your name mean?

My name is from a Song Dynasty’s poem by Xin Qiji, It has the meaning of a sudden epiphany.

“In the crowd once and again,
I look for her in vain.
When all at once I turn my head,
I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.”


What is your English name? (Please write in pinyin if you don’t have one)

Sofia Yao

Who gave you your English name?

My father

Is there a pronunciation/meaning connection between your English name and Chinese name?


Have you ever abandoned your English name? What was the reason?


Does your name ever give you any funny, embarrassing, or uncomfortable experiences?

Yes. My high school teacher called me “Mooo” during class and said my name is like a cow.

Do you prefer your Chinese name or your English name? Which name better represents your own identity?

I prefer my Chinese name because it is more poetic and carries my parents’ love for me.